The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain Chapter 10 Page 18

“God-a-mercy!” exclaimed Canty. He roused his family, and hoarsely commanded, “Up with ye all and fly — or bide where ye are and perish!”

Scarcely five minutes later the Canty household were in the street and flying for their lives.

John Canty held the Prince by the wrist, and hurried him along the dark way, giving him this caution in a low voice —

“Mind thy tongue, thou mad fool, and speak not our name. I will choose me a new name, speedily, to throw the law’s dogs off the scent. Mind thy tongue, I tell thee!”

He growled these words to the rest of the family —

“If it so chance that we be separated, let each make for London Bridge; whoso findeth himself as far as the last linen-draper’s