The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain Chapter 12 Page 7

“Not too fast, friend. Thou art needlessly rough, methinks. What is the lad to thee?”

“If it be any business of thine to make and meddle in others’ affairs, he is my son.”

“’Tis a lie!” cried the little King, hotly.

“Boldly said, and I believe thee, whether thy small headpiece be sound or cracked, my boy. But whether this scurvy ruffian be thy father or no, ’tis all one, he shall not have thee to beat thee and abuse, according to his threat, so thou prefer to bide with me.”

“I do, I do — I know him not, I loathe him, and will die before I will go with him.”

“Then ’tis settled, and there is nought more to say.”