The Rainbow by D H Lawrence Chapter 3 Page 11

“Mornin', Tom, mornin', my Lass!” or else, “You're off together then?” or else, “You're lookin' rarely, you two.”

Anna would respond, with her father: “How are you, John! Good mornin', William! Ay, makin' for Derby,” shrilling as loudly as she could. Though often, in response to “You're off out a bit then,” she would reply, “Yes, we are,” to the great joy of all. She did not like the people who saluted him and did not salute her.

She went into the public-house with him, if he had to call, and often sat beside him in the bar-parlour as he drank his beer or brandy.

The landladies paid court to her, in the obsequious way landladies have.

“Well, little lady, an' what's your name?”