The Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling Chapter 15 Page 6

any chance the Black Panther were making fun of him, for the Jungle is full of words that sound like one thing, but mean another. “I said we be beyond question the Masters of the Jungle,” Bagheera repeated. “Have I done wrong? I did not know that the Man-cub no longer lay upon the ground.

Does he fly, then?”

Mowgli sat with his elbows on his knees, looking out across the valley at the daylight. Somewhere down in the woods below a bird was trying over in a husky, reedy voice the first few notes of his spring song. It was no more than a shadow of the liquid, tumbling call he would be pouring later, but Bagheera heard it.

“I said the Time of New Talk is near,” growled the panther, switching his tail.