The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas Chapter 60 Page 10

To this Athos replied quietly: “We also have money left — for I have not yet drunk all my share of the diamond, and Porthos and Aramis have not eaten all theirs. We can therefore use up four horses as well as one. But consider, d’Artagnan,” added he, in a tone so solemn that it made the young man shudder, “consider that Bethune is a city where the cardinal has given rendezvous to a woman who, wherever she goes, brings misery with her. If you had only to deal with four men, d’Artagnan, I would allow you to go alone. You have to do with that woman! We four will go; and I hope to God that with our four lackeys we may be in sufficient number.”

“You terrify me, Athos!” cried d’Artagnan. “My God! what do you fear?”
