The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas Chapter 61 Page 2

appearance, and the liberality with which she distributed her pistoles. Freed from the usual formalities by the affable smile and gallant manners of an old governor of the port, who kissed her hand, she only remained long enough at Boulogne to put into the post a letter, conceived in the following terms:

“To his Eminence Monseigneur the Cardinal Richelieu, in his camp before La Rochelle.

“Monseigneur, Let your Eminence be reassured. His Grace the Duke of Buckingham WILL NOT SET OUT for France.


“BOULOGNE, evening of the twenty-fifth.

“P.S. — According to the desire of your Eminence, I report to the convent of the Carmelites at Bethune, where I will await your orders.”