The Trial by Franz Kafka Chapter 3 Page 23

have been allowed to move about so freely,” said the student, as if he wanted to give the woman an explanation for K.'s insults, “that was a mistake. I've told the examining judge so. He should at least have been detained in his room between hearings. Sometimes it's impossible to understand what the judge thinks he's doing.” “You're wasting your breath,” said K., then he reached his hand out towards the woman and said, “come with me.” “So that's it,” said the student, “oh no, you're not going to get her,” and with a strength you would not have expected from him, he glanced tenderly at her, lifted her up on one arm and, his back bent under the weight, ran with her to the door.

In this way he showed, unmistakeably, that he was to some extent afraid of K.