To Have & To Hold by Mary Johnson Chapter 6 Page 11

came into my mind unawares, the leaves being so green and the sky so blue. Had you come a little earlier or a little later, you would have heard the ninetieth psalm. Give you good-day madam. I must have sung for that the very queen of May was coming by.”

“Art on your way to Jamestown?” I demanded. “Come ride with us. Diccon, saddle his reverence’s horse.”

“Saddle him an thou wilt, friend,” said Master Sparrow, “for he and I have idled long enough, but I fear I cannot keep pace with this fair company. I and the horse are footing it together.”

“He is not long for this world,” I remarked, eyeing his ill-favored steed, “but neither are we far from Jamestown. He’ll last that far.”