Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas Chapter 1 Page 5

blessed in the chapel of the Palais Royal, so they will never ruin me, as they long to do, and whilst they shout, ‘Down with Mazarin!’ I, unknown, and unperceived by them, incite them to cry out, ‘Long live the Duke de Beaufort’ one day; another, ‘Long live the Prince de Conde;’ and again, ‘Long live the parliament!’“ And at this word the smile on the cardinal’s lips assumed an expression of hatred, of which his mild countenance seemed incapable.

“The parliament! We shall soon see how to dispose,” he continued, “of the parliament! Both Orleans and Montargis are ours. It will be a work of time, but those who have begun by crying out: Down with Mazarin! will finish by shouting out, Down with all the people I have mentioned, each in his turn.