Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas Chapter 9 Page 49

voice; one of these two men was a woman disguised as a cavalier.

“Calm yourself, dear Rene,” said the soft voice, “the same thing will never happen again. I have discovered a sort of subterranean passage which runs beneath the street and we shall only have to raise one of the marble slabs before the door to open you an entrance and an outlet.”

“Oh!” answered another voice, which D’Artagnan instantly recognized as that of Aramis.

“I swear to you, princess, that if your reputation did not depend on precautions and if my life alone were jeopardized — — ”

“Yes, yes! I know you are as brave and venturesome as any man in the world, but you do not belong to me alone; you belong to all our party. Be prudent! sensible!”