Women in Love by D H Lawrence Chapter 27 Page 40

For always, except in her moments of excitement, she felt a want within herself. She was unsure. She had felt that now, at last, in Gerald’s strong and violent love, she was living fully and finally. But when she compared herself with Ursula, already her soul was jealous, unsatisfied. She was not satisfied — she was never to be satisfied.

What was she short of now? It was marriage — it was the wonderful stability of marriage. She did want it, let her say what she might. She had been lying. The old idea of marriage was right even now — marriage and the home. Yet her mouth gave a little grimace at the words. She thought of Gerald and Shortlands — marriage and the home! Ah well, let it rest! He meant a great deal to her — but — ! Perhaps it was not in her to marry. She was one of