Women in Love by D H Lawrence Chapter 29 Page 162

Ursula looked away. She was so frightened of argument.

‘But there CAN be something else, can’t there?’ she said. ‘One can see it through in one’s soul, long enough before it sees itself through in actuality. And then, when one has seen one’s soul, one is something else.’

‘CAN one see it through in one’s soul?’ asked Gudrun. ‘If you mean that you can see to the end of what will happen, I don’t agree. I really can’t agree. And anyhow, you can’t suddenly fly off on to a new planet, because you think you can see to the end of this.’

Ursula suddenly straightened herself.

‘Yes,’ she said. ‘Yes — one knows. One has no more connections here. One has a sort of other self, that belongs to a new planet, not to this. You’ve