Women in Love by D H Lawrence Chapter 6 Page 40

‘What is it?’ said Halliday.

The Hindu grinned, and murmured shyly:

‘Want to speak to master.’

Gerald watched curiously. The fellow in the doorway was goodlooking and clean-limbed, his bearing was calm, he looked elegant, aristocratic. Yet he was half a savage, grinning foolishly. Halliday went out into the corridor to speak with him.

‘What?’ they heard his voice. ‘What? What do you say? Tell me again. What? Want money? Want MORE money? But what do you want money for?’ There was the confused sound of the Hindu’s talking, then Halliday appeared in the room, smiling also foolishly, and saying:

‘He says he wants money to buy underclothing. Can anybody lend me a shilling? Oh thanks, a shilling will do to buy all the underclothes he wants.’