Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Chapter 29 Page 7

to enter into the spirit of her future family, and draw pleasure from the griefs of her enemies.

‘You shall be sorry to be yourself presently,’ said her father-in- law, ‘if you stand there another minute. Begone, witch, and get your things!’

She scornfully withdrew. In her absence I began to beg for Zillah’s place at the Heights, offering to resign mine to her; but he would suffer it on no account. He bid me be silent; and then, for the first time, allowed himself a glance round the room and a look at the pictures. Having studied Mrs. Linton’s, he said - ‘I shall have that home. Not because I need it, but - ‘ He turned abruptly to the fire, and continued, with what, for lack of a better word, I must call a smile - ‘I’ll tell you