A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court by Mark Twain Chapter 42 Page 10

on him with the Interdict. The king returned; Mordred fought him at Dover, at Canterbury, and again at Barham Down. Then there was talk of peace and a composition. Terms, Mordred to have Cornwall and Kent during Arthur’s life, and the whole kingdom afterward.”

“Well, upon my word!

My dream of a republic to be a dream, and so remain.”

“Yes. The two armies lay near Salisbury. Gawaine — Gawaine’s head is at Dover Castle, he fell in the fight there — Gawaine appeared to Arthur in a dream, at least his ghost did, and warned him to refrain from conflict for a month, let the delay cost what it might. But battle was precipitated by an accident. Arthur had given order that if a sword was raised during the