A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court by Mark Twain Chapter 42 Page 5

A dispute ensues, with loud talk; in the midst of it enter the king. Mordred and Agravaine spring their devastating tale upon him. Tableau . A trap is laid for Launcelot, by the king’s command, and Sir Launcelot walks into it. He made it sufficiently uncomfortable for the ambushed witnesses — to wit, Mordred, Agravaine, and twelve knights of lesser rank, for he killed every one of them but Mordred; but of course that couldn’t straighten matters between Launcelot and the king, and didn’t.”

“Oh, dear, only one thing could result — I see that. War, and the knights of the realm divided into a king’s party and a Sir Launcelot’s party.”

“Yes — that was the way of it. The king sent the queen to the stake, proposing to purify her with fire.