Crime and Punishment by Part 6 Chapter 1 Page 16

tell her you love her, because she knows that herself.”

“She knows that herself?”

“Well, it’s pretty plain. Wherever I might go, whatever happened to me, you would remain to look after them. I, so to speak, give them into your keeping, Razumihin. I say this because I know quite well how you love her, and am convinced of the purity of your heart. I know that she too may love you and perhaps does love you already. Now decide for yourself, as you know best, whether you need go in for a drinking bout or not.”

“Rodya! You see... well... Ach, damn it! But where do you mean to go? Of course, if it’s all a secret, never mind... But I... I shall find out the secret... and I am sure that it must be some ridiculous nonsense and that you’ve