Crime and Punishment by Part 6 Chapter 1 Page 26

begun to suspect! The scene in the corridor under the lamp had produced its effect then. He had rushed to Porfiry... But what had induced the latter to receive him like that? What had been his object in putting Razumihin off with Nikolay? He must have some plan; there was some design, but what was it? It was true that a long time had passed since that morning — too long a time — and no sight nor sound of Porfiry. Well, that was a bad sign...”

Raskolnikov took his cap and went out of the room, still pondering. It was the first time for a long while that he had felt clear in his mind, at least. “I must settle Svidriga�lov,” he thought, “and as soon as possible; he, too, seems to be waiting for me to come to him of my own accord.” And at that moment there was such a rush of hate in