David Copperfield by Charles Dickens Chapter 25 Page 14

‘On some business that makes you uneasy, Agnes, I see,’ said I. ‘What can that be?’

Agnes laid aside her work, and replied, folding her hands upon one another, and looking pensively at me out of those beautiful soft eyes of hers:

‘I believe he is going to enter into partnership with papa.’


Uriah? That mean, fawning fellow, worm himself into such promotion!’ I cried, indignantly. ‘Have you made no remonstrance about it, Agnes? Consider what a connexion it is likely to be. You must speak out. You must not allow your father to take such a mad step. You must prevent it, Agnes, while there’s time.’

Still looking at me, Agnes shook her head while I was speaking, with a faint smile at my warmth: