Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 1 Page 33

Nick leaned against a porch pillar waiting for them to drive. That old boy had pretty good practise swing � Stiff, though � Lookit that dame. Je’s! I bet she takes fifteen shots before she ever gets on to the green � There, that kid had pretty good drive. Must of been hundred and fifty, anyway. Pretty good for a kid.

Nick, in the course of his kaleidoscopic career, had been a caddie at thirteen in torn shirt and flapping knickers. He had played the smooth, expert, scornful game of the caddie with a natural swing from the lithe waist and a follow-through that was the envy of the muscle-bound men who watched him. He hadn’t played in years. The game no longer interested him. He entered the shelter lunchroom. The counters were lined with lean, brown, hungry men and lean, brown, hungry women. They were eating