The Hidden Children by Robert William Chambers Chapter 13 Page 16

“Your blood becomes water! You cringe at the power of Amochol. But the red altar is not for you. Listen, dogs! Had I not found it necessary to slay your stripling, Loskiel, he had been burned and strangled an that altar!� And there is another at Otsego who shall die strangled on the altar of Amochol — the maiden called Lois! Long have we followed her. Long is the arm of the Red Priest — when his White Sorceress dreams for him!

“And now you know, you Mohican mongrel, why Amochol was at Otsego. His arm reaches even into the barracks of Clinton! Because to Atensi the sacrifice of these two would be grateful — the maiden Lois and your Loskiel. Only the pure and guarded pleasure her. And these two are Hidden Children. One has died. The other shall not escape us. She shall die strangled by Amochol upon his own altar!”