The Hidden Children by Robert William Chambers Chapter 13 Page 35

“That is well. That is as it should be, O my blood-brother, pure from birth, and at adolescence undefiled. Of such Hidden Ones were the White-Plumed Sagamores. Of such was Tamanund, the Silver-Plumed; and the great Uncas, with his snowy-winged and feathered head — Hidden People, Loskiel — without stain, without reproach.

“And as it was to be recorded on the eternal wampum, you were found at Guy Johnson’s landing place asleep beside a stranded St. Regis canoe; and your dead mother lay beside you with a half ounce ball through her heart. The St. Regis chief had spoken.”

“Why do you think he slew her?” I whispered.

“Strike flint. It is safe here.”

I drew myself