The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 16 Page 14

back, and they went slowly, but he did not release her, nor did she struggle futilely against his strength, knowing it wiser to continue calmly leading him on; but she could not reply. The start of her fall and her wildly beating heart rendered her breathless and weak.

“I tell you that thar doctah man, he have put a spell on you. He done drawed you up thar to hear to him. I seed you lookin’ like he’d done drawed yuer soul outen yuer body. I have heard o’ sech. He’s be’n down to Bishop Towahs’, too, whar I be’n workin’ at. I seed him watchin’ me like he come to spy on me, an’ he no sooner gone than I seed that thar Giles Teasley sneakin’ ‘long the fence lookin’ over an’ searchin’ eve’y place like he war a-hungerin’