The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 16 Page 7

sounds deliciously sweet and thrilling, filling all the air, mingling with the rushing of the fall and accenting its flow. From whence did they come — those new sounds? He had never heard them before. Did they drop from the sky — from the stars twinkling brightly down on him — now faint and far as if born in heaven — now near and clear — silvery clear and strong and sweet — penetrating his very soul and making every nerve quiver to their pulsating rhythm? He felt a certain fear of a new kind creep tinglingly through him, holding him cold and still — for the moment breathless. Was she there? Had she died, and was this her spirit trying to speak?

Very quietly he drew nearer to the great rock. Yes, she was there, standing with her back to the silvery gray bole of the holly tree, her