The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 28 Page 20

he cried. For a moment she stood regally before him, her babe resting easily in the hollow of her arm. Then she slowly lowered her hand and spoke again, in quiet, distinct tones.

“Now, for that lie they have told you, I am going to my husband. I start to-morrow. He has sent me money to come to him. You tell that word all up and down the mountain side, wherever there bides one to hear.”

She lifted her baby, pressing his little face to her cheek, and turning, walked slowly toward her cabin door.

“Cass,” he called.

She paused. “Well, Frale?”

“Cass, you hev cursed me.”

“No, Frale, it is the curse of Cain that rests on your soul. You brought it on you by your own hand. If you will live right and repent, Christ will take it off.”