The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 28 Page 33

you have give me that word first off? Hit’s his right to have ye, an’ I’ll he’p ye. You’d ought to go to him if he can’t come to you.”

Instantly up and alert, putting bravely aside her own feelings at the thought of parting, the mother began helping her daughter; but long after they were finished and settled for the night, she lay wakeful and dreading the coming day.

Cassandra slept less, and lay quietly thinking, sorrowful that she must leave her home, and not a little anxious over what might be her future and what might be her fate in that strange land.

When at last she slept, she dreamed of the people she had met in Vanity Fair, with David strangely mixed up among them, and Frale ever alert and watchful,