The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 32 Page 16

and was grateful, but she knew he must return to his own world and live his own life. Therefore she existed in a state of breathless suspense, to enjoy these moments to the fullest, — not to miss or mar an instant of the blessed time while it lasted.

The days were flying — flying — so rapidly she dared not think, and here was splendid October trailing her wonderful draperies over the hills like a lavish princess. When would David speak? But perhaps he was waiting for her to speak first? If so, how long ought she to remain silent? Often he caught the wistful look in her eyes, and half divined the meaning.

One day when they had wandered up her father’s path, and the wind came in warm, soft gusts, sweeping over the miles of splendor from the sea, David drew her to