The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 32 Page 6

counterfeit. He had gone out and seen men chasing phantoms and shadows thinking therein to find joy — joy — the need of the world — one in a coronet, one in a crown, and the beggar in a golden sovereign — while he — he had found it in his own heart and in Cassandra’s eyes.

David had passed the Fall Place, seeing no one; for the widow had ridden over to spend the day with Sally Carew, her niece was in the spring-house skimming cream, while Cotton was dawdling in the corn patch whistling and pulling the ripened ears from the stalks. A cool breeze had dispelled the heat of the September afternoon, and the hills were already beginning to don their gorgeous apparel after the summer’s drouth; their wonderful beauty struck him anew and steeped his senses with their charm.