The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 4 Page 21

could not, for remembrance rushed back stiflingly and overwhelmed him. Descrying his white face in the shadow, a pity as deep as his shame filled her heart and drew her nearer.

“Why, Frale, come out here. No one can see you, only me.”

Still tongue-tied by his emotion, he came into the light and stood near her. In dismay she looked up in his face. The big boy brother who had taken her to the little Carew Crossing station only two months before, rough and prankish as the colt he drove, but gentle withal, was gone. He who stood at her side was older. Anger had left its mark about his mouth, and fear had put a strange wildness in his eyes — but — there was something else in his reckless, set lips that hurt her. She shrank from him, and he took a step closer.