The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 4 Page 30

like we dared to be sweethearts, when you have shed blood for this? Take your hands off me, and let me go down to mothah.”

Slowly his hold relaxed and his head drooped, but he did not move his arms. She pushed them gently from her and stood a moment looking down at him. His arms dropped upon the stone at his side, listless and empty, and again her pitying soul reached out to him and enveloped him.

“Frale, there is just one way that I can give you my promise,” she said. He held out his arms to her. “No, I can’t sit that way; you can see that. The good book says, ‘Ye must repent and be born again.’“ He groaned and covered his face with his hands. “Then you would be a new man, without sin. I reckon you have suffered a heap, and repented a heap —