The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 8 Page 12

recalled the haunted look in Frale’s eyes, and the sadness that trembled around Cassandra’s lips as she said, “I reckon there is no trouble worse than ours.” A thought struck him, and he asked: —

“Do you know what they quarrelled about?”

“He nevah let on what-all was the fuss. Likely he told Cass, but she is that still. Hit’s right hard to raise a blood feud thar when we-uns an’ the Teasleys alluz war friends. She took keer o’ me when my chillen come, an’ I took keer o’ her with hern. Ferd’nan’ too, he war like my own, fer I nursed him when she had the fever an’ her milk lef’ her. Cass war only three weeks old then, an’ he war nigh on a year, but that little an’ sickly — he like to