The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 8 Page 18

keerin’ fer we-uns whilst she war gone, an’ fer ‘lowin’ her to get that thar book.

“I don’t guess she knew I seed her, fer she got up right still an’ soft, like not to wake we-uns, an’ began to light the fire an’ make some yarb tea. She war that wet an’ cold I could see her hand shake whilst she held the match to the light’ud stick. Them days maw made coffee out’n burnt corn-bread, an’ tea out’n dried blackberry leaves an’ sassafrax root.” She paused and turned her face toward the open door. David thought she had lost somewhat the appearance of age; certainly, what with the long rest, and Cassandra’s loving care, she had no longer the weary, haggard look that had struck him when he saw her first.