The Pirate Woman by A E Dingle Chapter 12 Page 14

entrance reassured him of the existence of the outer world; persuaded him that by taking a desperate chance he might yet throw dust in the eyes of this terrible woman and go hence with the secret of the great chamber. “I dare, Dolores! Blood, d’ ye say? What fitter drink for a pirate?”

He lifted the flagon, took a deep draft in great gulps, so that his determination might carry him; then his eye sparkled, he took the flagon from his lips, and grinned at Milo. “By the great Red Chief!” he cried. “This is justice indeed! I drink to ye, Sultana, and to Milo, ye big jester!” and finished the drink with a greedy swallow.

Then the flagon clattered to the ground, Sancho’s face went livid, and his mouth opened wide and loosely, as his body and limbs