came back swiftly toward him, pushing Pascherette before her. She handed the little octoroon on to Milo, and said, with a kindly pat on the girl’s head: “Open, Milo, and let thy sweetheart complete her good works. Now I shall have none but faithful friends about me. Pascherette, thou’rt more than forgiven: thou’rt my good friend. I shall reward thee fittingly when” — she smiled dazzlingly at Sancho — ”I have rewarded Sancho.”
The rock door rolled aside, and Pascherette passed out into the storm. Sancho’s nerves gave way utterly now, and he rushed toward the opening, screaming: “Let me out! I want air! I want none of the great chamber! Let me pass!”
Milo again let fall the rock, pressed a huge hand on Sancho’s breast, and pushed him back, saying: