The Rainbow by D H Lawrence Chapter 1 Page 59

company, and discovered he could carry it off quite well. He had an idea that everybody in the room was a man after his own heart, that everything was glorious, everything was perfect. When somebody in alarm told him his coat pocket was on fire, he could only beam from a red, blissful face and say “Iss-all-ri-ight — iss-al'-ri-ight — it's a' right — let it be, let it be — — ” and he laughed with pleasure, and was rather indignant that the others should think it unnatural for his coat pocket to burn: — it was the happiest and most natural thing in the world — what?

He went home talking to himself and to the moon, that was very high and small, stumbling at the flashes of moonlight from the puddles at his feet, wondering What the Hanover! then laughing confidently to the