The Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling Chapter 13 Page 30

“Here is this season’s kill,” said he. “Look!” On the bank lay the skeletons of a couple of young deer and a buffalo. Mowgli could see that neither wolf nor jackal had touched the hones, which were laid out naturally.

“They came beyond the line; they did not know the Law,” murmured Mowgli, “and the Little People killed them. Let us go ere they wake.”

“They do not wake till the dawn,” said Kaa. “Now I will tell thee. A hunted buck from the south, many, many Rains ago, came hither from the south, not knowing the Jungle, a Pack on his trail.

Being made blind by fear, he leaped from above, the Pack running by sight, for they were hot and blind on the trail. The sun was high, and the