The Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling Chapter 13 Page 63

“and Akela, too, is silent this long time.”

“The bone is cracked!” thundered Phao, son of Phaona. “They go! Kill, kill out, O hunters of the Free People!”

Dhole after dhole was slinking away from those dark and bloody sands to the river, to the thick Jungle, up-stream or down-stream as he saw the road clear.

“The debt! The debt!” shouted Mowgli. “Pay the debt! They have slain the Lone Wolf!

Let not a dog go!”

He was flying to the river, knife in hand, to check any dhole who dared to take water, when, from under a mound of nine dead, rose Akela’s head and fore-quarters, and Mowgli dropped on his knees beside the Lone Wolf.