The Trial by Franz Kafka Chapter 1 Page 68

there was a point, you'll see now how important a point it was,” said K. “May I move this table away from your bedside and put it here?” “What do you think you're doing?” said Miss B�rstner. “Of course you can't!” “In that case I can't show you,” said K., quite upset, as if Miss B�rstner had committed some incomprehensible offence against him. “Alright then, if you need it to show what you mean, just take the bedside table then,” said Miss B�rstner, and after a short pause added in a weak voice, “I'm so tired I'm allowing more than I ought to.” K.

put the little table in the middle of the room and sat down behind it. “You have to get a proper idea of where the people were situated, it is very interesting. I'm the supervisor, sitting over