To Have & To Hold by Mary Johnson Chapter 17 Page 10

him. Plague take it all! and Dorothy Gookin sitting there watching!”

My lord and I stood forward, each with a bowl in his hand. We looked toward the Governor. “My lord first, as becometh his rank,” he said. My lord stooped and threw, and his bowl went swiftly over the grass, turned, and rested not a hands’-breadth from the jack. I threw. “One is as near as the other!” cried Master Macocke for the judges. A murmur arose from the crowd, and my lord swore beneath his breath. He and I retreated to our several sides, and Rolfe and West took our places. While they and those that followed bowled, the crowd, attentive though it was, still talked and laughed, and laid wagers upon its favorites; but when my lord and I again stood forth, the noise was hushed, and men and women stared with all their