To Have & To Hold by Mary Johnson Chapter 17 Page 20

of course. I do not need to tell you that, if the Company so orders, I shall have no choice but to send you and the lady home to England. When you are in London, make your suit to my Lord of Buckingham, and I earnestly hope that you may find in him an ally powerful enough to bring you and the lady, to whose grace, beauty, and courage we all do homage, out of this coil.”

“We give you thanks, sir,” I said.

“As you know,” he went on, “I have written to the Company, humbly petitioning that I be graciously relieved from a most thankless task, to wit, the governorship of Virginia. My health faileth, and I am, moreover, under my Lord Warwick’s displeasure. He waxeth ever stronger in the Company, and if I put not myself out, he will do it for me.