To Have & To Hold by Mary Johnson Chapter 24 Page 16

Spaniard pushed himself to the front; with his gaunt figure and sable dress he had the seeming of a raven come to croak over the dead. He rested his gloomy eyes upon my lord. The latter, very white, returned the look; then, with his head held high, crossed the deck with a measured step and took his place among us. He was followed a moment later by Paradise. “I never thought to die in my bed, captain,” said the latter nonchalantly. “Sooner or later, what does it matter? And you must know that before I was a pirate I was a gentleman.” Turning, he doffed his hat with a flourish to those he had quitted. “Hell litter!” he cried. “I have run with you long enough. Now I have a mind to die an honest man.”

At this defection a dead hush of amazement fell upon that crew.