To Have & To Hold by Mary Johnson Chapter 24 Page 9

“That is Florida,” said Paradise at my elbow, “and there are reefs and shoals enough between us. It was Kirby’s luck that the fog lifted. Yonder tall ship hath a less fortunate star.”

She lay between us and the white beach, evidently in shoal and dangerous waters. She too had encountered a hurricane, and had not come forth victorious. Foremast and forecastle were gone, and her bowsprit was broken. She lay heavily, her ports but a few inches above the water. Though we did not know it then, most of her ordnance had been flung overboard to lighten her. Crippled as she was, with what sail she could set, she was beating back to open sea from that dangerous offing.

“Where she went we can follow!” sang out a voice from the throng in our waist. “A d —