Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 2 Page 11

room. The room off the kitchen was intended as a maid’s room but Nettie had no maid. George’s business had suffered with the rest. George and Nettie had said, “I wish there was a front room for you, Father. You could have ours and we’d move back here, only this room’s too small for twin beds and the dressing table and the chiffonier.” They had meant it — or meant to mean it.

“This is fine,” old man Minick had said. “This is good enough for anybody.” There was a narrow white enamel bed and a tiny dresser and a table. Nettie had made gay cretonne covers and spreads and put a little reading lamp on the table and arranged his things. Ma Minick’s picture on the dresser with her mouth sort of pursed to make it look small. It wasn’t a recent picture.