Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 2 Page 27

bewildered him, frightened him almost. He would skip across the street like a harried hare, just missing a motor truck’s nose and all unconscious of the stream of invective directed at him by its charioteer. “Heh! Whatcha!� Look!” — Sometimes a policeman came to his aid, or attempted to, but he resented this proffered help.

“Say, look here, my lad,” he would say to the tall, tired, and not at all burly (standing on one’s feet directing traffic at Wabash and Madison for eight hours a day does not make for burliness) policeman, “I’ve been coming downtown since long before you were born. You don’t need to help me. I’m no jay from the country.”

He visited the Stock Exchange. This depressed him. Stocks were lower