Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 6 Page 22

Myra looked up at him, quickly. “She’s a wonder! She was in yesterday,” he went on. “Spent all of two hours up in my department, looking things over. There’s nothing she can’t do. She won a blue ribbon at the Horse Show in February. Saddle. She’s climbed every peak that amounts to anything in Europe. Did the Alps when she was a little girl. This summer she’s going to do the Rockies, because things are so mussed up in Europe, she says. I’m selecting the outfit for the party. Gad, what a trip!” He sighed, deeply.

Myra was silent. She was not ungenerous toward women, as are so many pretty girls. But she was human, after all, and she did love this Florian, and Jessie Heath was old man Heath’s daughter. Whenever she came into the store she created a little furore