Gigolo by Edna Ferber Chapter 6 Page 32

went over the list together. Fishing tackle, tents, pocket-flashes, puttees, ponchos, chocolate, quirts, slickers, matches, medicine-case, sweaters, cooking utensils, blankets. It grew longer, and longer. Their heads came close together over it. And they trailed from department to department, laughing and talking together. And the two Maine ex-guides and the clerk who boasted he knew the Rockies like the palm of his hand, said to one another, “Get on to Nature’s Rival trying to make a hit with Jessie.”

Meanwhile Jessie was saying, “Of course you know the Rockies, being a Western man, and all.”

Florian smiled rather deprecatingly. “Queer part of it is I don’t know the Rockies so well — ” with an emphasis on the word Rockies that led one