The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 13 Page 7

ye to set me on my laigs again? Ef ye go a-countin’ that-a-way, I’m ‘feared ye’re layin’ up a right smart o’ debt to we-uns. I reckon you’ll use that mule all ye want to, an’ ye’ll lick him good, too, when he needs hit, an’ take keer o’ yourself, fer he’s a mean critter; an’ ye’ll keep that path right whar hit is, fer hit goes with the farm long’s you bide up yandah.”

“You good people have the best of me; we’ll call it all even. Ever since I leaped off that train in the snow, I have been dependent on you for my comfort. Well, I must hurry on; since I’ve turned farmer I’m a busy man. Can you suggest any one I might get to do that ploughing? Miss Cassandra here may be able to do it without help, but I confess I’m not equal to it.”