The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 13 Page 9

meal, fresh and sweet from the mill — a man with six children and a sick mother to feed, but what could I do? He would leave it, and I — well, I — ”

“When they bring ye things, you take ‘em. Ye’ll help ‘em a heap more that-a-way ‘n ye will curin’ ‘em. The’ hain’t nothin’ so good fer a man as payin’ his debts. Hit keeps his hade up whar a man ‘at’s good fer anything ought to keep hit. I hearn a heap o’ talk here in these mountains ‘bouts bein’ stuck up, but I tell ‘em if a body feels he hain’t good fer nothin’, he pretty generally hain’t. He’d a heap better feel stuck up to my thinkin’.”

“They’ve done pretty well, all who could. They’ve