The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 13 Page 8

“I be’n tellin’ Cass that thar Elwine Timms, he ought to be able to do the hull o’ that work. Widow Timmses’ son. They live ovah nigh the Gerret place thar at Lone Pine Creek. He used to help Frale with the still. An’ then thar’s Hoke Belew — he ought to do sumthin’ fer all you done fer his wife — sittin’ up the hull night long, an’ gettin’ up at midnight to run to them. Oh, I hearn a heap sittin’ here. Things comes to me that-a-way. Thar hain’t much goin’ on within twenty mile o’ here ‘at I don’t know. They is plenty hereabouts owes you a heap.”

“I think I’ve been treated very well. They keep me supplied with all I need. What more can a man ask? The other day, a man brought me a sack of corn