The Mountain Girl by Emma Payne Erskine Chapter 2 Page 19

took from it honey in the broken comb, rich and dark.

“Have a little of this with your pone. It’s right good,” she said.

“Frale, he found a bee tree,” piped the child suddenly, gaining confidence as he saw the stranger engaged in the very normal act of eating with the relish of an ordinary man. He edged forward and sat himself gingerly on the outer corner of the next chair, and accepted a huge piece of the pone from David’s hand. His sister gave him honey, and Sally dropped pieces of the sizzling hot pork on their plates, from the skillet.

David sipped his coffee from the flowered “chany cup” contentedly. Served without milk or sugar, it was strong, hot, and reviving. The girl shyly offered more of the